Tucson Herpetological Society Meeting
Tucson Herpetological Society's monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 15th @ 7:15 PM Tucson City Council Ward 3, 1510 E Grant Road This month's guest speaker is the founder of the Tucson Herpetological Society and avid herper, Roger A Repp. Roger served as president for 5 years, vice president for 2 years...
Sky Island Alliance – Walnut Check-Up in the Santa Catalinas
Santa Catalina Mountains Summerhaven, AZ, United StatesWalnut Check-Up in the Santa Catalinas November 22, 2017 Carianne Campbell: carianne@skyislandalliance.org BACKGROUND The Santa Catalina grey squirrel (a subspecies of the Arizona grey squirrel) is in decline throughout the Catalinas and Rincons. Fire, and competition with introduced Abert’s squirrels, are thought to be some of the reasons for their lower numbers, but we...
AZGFD Small Mammal Trapping (November)
Lake Pleasant Regional Park 41835 N Castle Hot Springs Rd, Morristown, AZ, United StatesAZGFD Small Mammal Trapping Arizona Game & Fish Department is looking for volunteers to help set small mammal traps (Shermans) near Lake Pleasant and Lake Havasu. We’ll have crews out during most weeks between early September and late November, so if you have students that are available to come help, we could likely put them to...
AZGFD Colorado Pikeminnow & Roundtail Chub Harvest & Sorting (December)
Bubbling Ponds Hatchery 1970 N Page Springs Rd., Cornville , AZ, United StatesAZGFD Colorado Pikeminnow & Roundtail Chub Harvest & Sorting Bubbling Ponds Hatchery is looking for two volunteers for Colorado Pikeminnow Harvest on October 24th. On December 5th, five volunteers are needed for Roundtail Chub Harvest. This is an earth pond and is very labor intensive. On December 6th, four volunteers are needed for chub sorting....
AZGFD Ferret Spotlighting
AZGFD Black-footed Ferret Spotlighting December 7th - 9th, 2017 The Black-footed Ferret Project will be a 3-night event December 7-9. For each event, spotlighting will begin on Thursday night. Because ferrets are being seen in areas where we normally do not spotlight, we will have some teams go out and spotlight these new areas to try and...
Sky Island Alliance – Native Plantings at Southern Galiuro Ponds
Southern Galiuros 32.410840, -110.270995Native Plantings at Southern Galiuro Ponds December 8, 2017 - December 9, 2017 Carianne Campbell: carianne@skyislandalliance.org BACKGROUND SIA has partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Tom Biebighauser of Wetland Restoration and Training LLC to install ponds near the Muleshoe Ranch in the southern Galiuros to provide habitat for lowland leopard frogs,...