Take an active role in Arizona’s wildlife conservation and management! Advance professional stewardship of wildlife resources and their habitat! Prepare the next generation of wildlife professionals!
Your Chapter needs you!
Please consider joining the board of the Arizona Chapter of the Wildlife Society! See the descriptions below for a list of positions up for election this year. Visit https://aztws.com/about/executive-board-positions/ to learn more about these positions. All officers are expected to participate in monthly conference calls to help with planning and current business.
Email Jessica Moreno (wildlifepathways@gmail.com) for more information or if you are interested in running for a position. Nominations must be submitted by November 30, 2018.
Nominees should provide a short bio (about 300 words) and a photo that will be distributed to voting members. Ballots will go out mid-December and the results announced at the Annual Meeting during the 2019 JAM in New Mexico.
The President-Elect serves a two-year term, one year as President-Elect and one as President. As President-Elect, he or she assists and fills in for the President on a variety of assigned tasks and serves as the Chairperson of the Awards and Nomination committees.
The Treasurer serves a two-year term and is responsible for the funds of the Chapter and for maintaining financial records and files for the Chapter.
Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary serves a one-year term and is responsible for the Chapter files and correspondence with members and supporters.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary serves a one-year term and is responsible for recording and distributing minutes of the Executive Board and Chapter Membership meetings.
Board Member (1)
A Board Member serves a two-year term and shares all responsibilities of conducting Chapter business and assisting other Board Members with assigned tasks.