Small Mammal Research Technicians
CLOSING DATE: March 1st, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Northern Arizona University
JOB TYPE: Full Time/Temporary
SALARY: $14 – $16 / Per Hour (depending on experience)
Research technicians (up to 10) needed for a project studying the endangered New Mexico meadow jumping mouse in riparian areas located within the Apache-Sitgreaves, Santa Fe, and Lincoln National Forests in the mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. Successful applicants will work as part of a team to determine population status and habitat requirements for the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse. During the summer, we will be trapping small mammals with Sherman traps, processing animals, using track plates, and measuring environmental variables. The research takes place in remote areas and technicians will be camping while out in the field for approximately 4-5 days at a time. While camping and in the field (most of the time), technicians will be provided $25 per diem to cover food expenses and are reimbursed for use of a personal 4WD vehicle while working. Office duties may include data entry, maintenance of sampling gear, and travel preparations. The field season is expected to run from June to early September.
To be considered for these positions, you MUST have extensive camping experience, preferably at high elevations (>8000 feet), be able to navigate across difficult trail-less terrain, be comfortable working and camping in remote areas, be able to spend several hours in waders walking through fast-moving streams, be comfortable and safe driving 4WD vehicles, and have a passion for conducting field research.
Applicants should be motivated, have the ability to work well independently and with others, be able to hike with heavy equipment in rough terrain, and under adverse weather conditions. The ideal candidate will have trapping and handling experience with small mammals, experience with track plates, familiarity with fauna and flora of the region, and the ability to navigate to sampling locations using map, compass, and a GPS.
Carol Chambers