AZTWS Board Meeting
Conference Call Meeting Minutes
March 30, 2018
3:00–4:07 p.m.
Attendees: Tiffany Sprague (President), Jessica Moreno (President Elect), Holly Hicks (Corresponding Secretary), Valerie Horncastle (Recording Secretary), Andrew Jones (Treasurer), Melissa Merrick (Board Member), Kay Nicholson (Past President), Jeremy Krones (Newsletter Editor), Clarissa Starbuck (Webmaster), Chris Carrillo (Membership Chair)
Board Members Absent: Audrey Owens (Board Member)
Action Items:
- Holly will forward Jeremy student chapter articles for newsletter
- Holly will send out reminder about donating to the scholarship fund (deadline end of May)
- Andrew will cancel the subscription with the old conference call company
- Valerie will contact Carol Chambers about potential feature article for newsletter
- Tiffany will send Clarissa updates/pictures on board members for the website
- Kay will send Tiffany information on what she should be working on for BISCUW
- Jessica will sign us up to sponsor an award for SARSEF and print award certificates
- February 2018 board meeting minutes approved. Andrew motioned. Jessica seconded. Passed unanimously.
- Vote to approve travel grant application from University of Arizona ($500). Valerie motioned. Andrew seconded. Passed
- unanimously.
- Andrew motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jessica seconded. Passed unanimously.
Old Business
- Tiffany will remind committee heads about reviewing revised sections of JAM manual Ongoing – waiting for second draft from Scott
- Scott to review revised sections of JAM manual to determine what revisions are still needed; incorporate existing revisions into manual. Ongoing
- Andrew will pay for the additional 50th anniversary t-shirts. Done
- Andrew will call the conference call company to find out if there is a base fee. Done – cost is $7/month so the board decided to cancel it
- Andrew will send check to Erika for the workshop. Done
- Holly will send out new PO Box number. On Hold
- Holly will follow up with student chapters for information to submit to the newsletter (March 16th deadline). Done
- Tiffany needs photo from everyone for the newsletter and website. Done
- Officer form needs to be sent to the parent society (send corrections to Tiffany by March 1). Done
- Tiffany to create bylaw wording for board member removal. Ongoing
- Tiffany will ask Richard Ockenfels, Tice Supplee, and Dave Brown if they would submit newsletter articles reflecting on the history of the chapter. Remove
- Jessica and Chris will work to set up an online membership and communication system for our chapter. Ongoing
- Kay will send out announcement for donating to scholarship fund. The PayPal link should be reposted on the website for donations. Done – Holly should send out reminders in early April and mid-May; sponsorship deadline is the end of May
- Other Old Business? None
Current Business
- Treasurer’s Report (Andrew)
- Holly helping out with audit (end of April or beginning of May)
- Looking for additional person to help out with audit; Scott Sprague said he might be able to help.
- Ordered porta potties for workshop
- Newsletter Report (Tiffany/Jeremy)
- First draft sent to Tiffany
- Current issues includes: President’s message, SW section message, press release on Humpback Chub, chapter awards, contest winners, student chapter articles
- Send article items to
- Summer issue – need feature article ideas (local research projects). Valerie will contact Carol Chambers about submitting a piece on NM meadow jumping mouse work.
- Membership Report (Chris/Jessica)
- Jessica has updated member list
- Next step to create templates for communication (need to create connection between signing up, emails, and automatic connection to blog updates, etc.)
- Hoping to launch by end of April
- Webmaster’s Report (Clarissa)
- Tiffany will send Clarissa updates/pictures on board members for the website
- Opportunities Report (Callie) – not on call, no updates
- BioBlitz (Scott) – Currently on hold, waiting to hear back from Andy Bridges
- Student Liaison Report (Holly)
- voted on UA JAM reimbursement
- working on student travel grants
- Techniques Workshop (Holly)
- Sent out schedule to all instructors
- All classes full
- Chris Carrillo won’t be able to attend workshop. He is currently looking for someone to fill in for him.
- Need someone to lead short bird walk (1-2 hours Sunday morning)
- Money to buy supplies (compasses) – no funds available, but might be able to round up enough through AZ Game and Fish, ASU, Logan Simpson, and a few other places
- Conservation Affairs (Jon) – not on call, no updates
- Borderlands Institute for the Study and Conservation of Understudied Wildlife (BISCUW) (Kay)
- Currently contacting different organizations and people
- Updating charter
- Kay will send Tiffany information on what she should be working on
- Continuing Education (Stan) – not on call, no updates
- Outreach, Youth Engagement, Diversity
- SARSEF (Southern Arizona Research, Science and Engineering Fair) April 13th Jessica will register us for sponsoring an award. We will offer two awards for high school level students. Each award will consist of a certificate, a t-shirt, and a day in the field with a biologist. Melissa will judge and pick out winners. Holly will get t-shirts to Melissa.
- Andrew will be judging the Arizona Envirothon on April 21st
Adjournment at 4:07 p.m.