AZTWS Board Meeting
Conference Call Minutes
June 24, 2019
3:06–3:28 p.m
Present: Jessica Moreno (President), Andrew Jones (President Elect), Haley Nelson (Treasurer), Valerie Horncastle (Recording Secretary), Holly Hicks (Board Member), Kinley Ragan (Historian), Chris Carrillo (Membership Chair)
Board members absent: Emily Scobie (Corresponding Secretary), Melissa Merrick (Board Member)
Haley has been receiving phishing/scamming emails to send them money. They appear to be from Jessica but have the email address If you receive an email from Jessica asking for money, please block and report it.
Action Items
- Jessica, Haley, and Andrew will update the operations manual to include a policy on check authorizations, check writing procedures, and other accounting practices.
- Jessica will send out the document her organization put together regarding the I-11 corridor project. We can then decide if AZTWS wants to sign on. Comments are due July 8th.
- Andrew will follow up with Marla to see if she is interested in the webmaster position.
- Andrew will verify whether AZ State Lands are still allowing wildlife monitoring on their lands.
- Approval of May 20, 2019 board meeting minutes – moved by Andrew, seconded by Haley; passed.
- Meeting adjournment – moved by Andrew, seconded by Valerie; passed at 3:28 p.m.
Old Business/Previous Action Items
- Jessica will send draft JAM Manual out for revisions. Ongoing
- Haley will follow up with Holly and send a check to ASU for travel reimbursement. Done
- Jessica will email out information and request for action regarding the 2019 Wildlife Corridor Conservation Act. Ongoing – I-11 corridor comments due July 8, Jessica’s group is writing a statement and she will share their document to see if we want to sign on.
- Holly will finalize pricing, photos, and inventory of SWAG for the website. Ongoing
- Tiffany will update the operations manual and send to Jessica and Andrew for review. Ongoing
- Jessica will ask the JAM planning committee about setting up a single website for JAM, rather than each chapter hosting its own. Ongoing
- Jessica, Emily, and Chris will set up MemberPlanet online membership and communication system for our chapter. Ongoing
- JAM Manual Edits (Jessica/Tiffany) Ongoing – JM to send draft Manual out to everyone involved in JAM planning last year/this year for revisions. Photo contest section needs updating.
- JAM 2020 Planning (Tiffany/Jessica) Ongoing – Waiting to finalize dates. Jessica will contact them.
Other Old Business? (All) None
Current Business
- Treasurer’s Report (Haley)
- ASU check was sent out.
- There has been an issue with scammers sending out emails in Jessica’s name to the treasurer requesting money
- Newsletter Report (Brian)
- Brian has all of the submitted materials and is finalizing documents for the newletter. He is waiting on the flier for the BioBlitz.
- Jessica recently learned that AZ State lands is no longer allowing wildlife monitoring on their lands. Andrew will try to verify this information. Is this something we would like to include in the newsletter?
- Board and Award Nominations (Andrew)
- Andrew will follow up with Marla Kostuk to find out if she is interested in the webmaster position.
- Chair positions (Jessica) Ongoing:
- Webmaster (Marla may be interested)
- Conservation Affairs (Samantha Novotony might be interested)
- Opportunities Chair (Rachel Harrow is no longer interested)
- Social Media Outreach
- Continuing Education – Stan would still like to be involved, but he could use some assistance
- Diversity (Jessica) – Nothing new to report
- Membership Report (Chris) – Nothing new to report
- Webmaster’s Report (Jessica)
- Jessica will post the most recent meeting minutes
- Opportunities Report (Valerie ) – No new updates
- BioBlitz (Scott not on call) – No new updates
- Conservation Affairs (Jon) – Not on call
- Borderlands Foundation for Understudied Plants and Animals (Kay not on call)
- Techniques workshop (Holly) – No new updates
- Student Liaison Report (Holly) – No new updates
- Operations Manual (Tiffany) – Not on call
- Other new business – None
Next meeting is Monday, July 22, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.
3:28 p.m. adjournment