AZTWS Board Meeting
Conference Call Notes
June 25, 2018
3:00–3:39 p.m.
Attendees: Tiffany Sprague (President), Jessica Moreno (President Elect), Holly Hicks (Corresponding Secretary), Valerie Horncastle (Recording Secretary)
Board members absent: Andrew Jones (Treasurer), Melissa Merrick (Board Member), Audrey Owens (Board Member)
Action Items
- Jessica will look into using google forms or survey monkey to create an online submission form for the Continuing Education application.
- Tiffany will have Samantha Vaughan get a quote for AZTWS buffs (neck/head kerchiefs).
- Tiffany will discuss possibility of a shopping area on our website with Andrew, Jessica, and Clarissa. Jessica will send around some ideas/options.
- Tiffany will explore setting up a Google Drive list of potential future newsletter articles and reserve of articles to use when needed.
- Holly will periodically send reminders to our email list about our Continuing Education grant.
- Audrey, Kay, and Melissa will coordinate a fall gathering for members
- Scott to review revised sections of JAM manual to determine what revisions are still needed; incorporate existing revisions into manual.
- Tiffany will remind committee heads about reviewing revised sections of JAM manual.
- Tiffany to create bylaw wording for board member removal.
- Jessica and Chris will work to set up an online membership and communication system for our chapter.
- Jessica will look into options for an online store to sell TWS swag
- Holly motioned to approve ordering 100 buffs/neck wraps as long as quote of $8 each is accurate. Jessica seconded. Passed unanimously.
- Jessica motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:39 p.m. Valerie seconded. Passed unanimously.
3:04 p.m. Tiffany called the meeting to order
Approval of past minutes
- We were unable to approve the April and May minutes since we did not have enough members who had participated in those meetings present to vote. We will approve the April, May, and June minutes during the July meeting.
Old business
- Tiffany to send fillable form for Continuing Education application to Clarissa. Done
- In the future, it would be great to have an online submission form. Jessica mentioned that we could do this through Google Forms or Survey Monkey. Send any additional ideas to Tiffany.
- Tiffany to send Audrey’s photo to Clarissa for About Us page on website. Done
- Andrew to send $250 to parent society for national conference. Done
- Holly to send reminder about donating to scholarship fund for national conference. Done
- Holly to periodically send reminders to our email list about our Continuing Education grant. Ongoing
- Scott to set up phone conference with Andy Bridges about Petrified Forest National Park BioBlitz. Done
- Jeremy to ask Valerie about status of feature article for newsletter. Done – Carol is unable to contribute to the summer issue, but might be able to contribute for the fall issue
- Audrey, Kay, and Melissa will coordinate a fall gathering for members. Ongoing
- Jessica will reach out to the TWS Diversity Working Group for ideas and report back during June meeting. Done – Jessica is waiting to hear back and will share ideas at the July meeting
- Scott to review revised sections of JAM manual to determine what revisions are still needed; incorporate existing revisions into manual. Ongoing
- Tiffany will remind committee heads about reviewing revised sections of JAM manual. Ongoing
- Tiffany to create bylaw wording for board member removal. Ongoing
- Jessica and Chris will work to set up an online membership and communication system for our chapter. Ongoing
- Other Old Business? None
Current business
- Treasurer’s report (Andrew – via email)
- Sent $250 to the parent society for the National Conference
- We have received $195 for the scholarship fund to send students to the national conference.
- Reviewing application for Brian Blais Continuing Education application
- Continuing Education fund is at $6,245.66
- Checking fund is at $8,341.14
- Savings fund is at $31,193.62
- Discussion on buying TWS buffs/neck wraps. Current quote is $8/ea for 100 and $5/ea for 300. We would sell these for $15 each.
- Holly brought up the idea of creating an online site for selling TWS swag. Jessica mentioned that we could use WordPress to set up a site. Another option would be to use a company that allows you to put your logo on anything. They then take a cut and send TWS the rest of the profit. Holly has agreed to handle the effort of gathering items and shipping them. Tiffany and Jessica will pursue this idea.
- Newsletter report (Jeremy)
- Jeremy sent draft summer issue to Tiffany
- Summer issue is currently short since there were no submissions.
- Jessica will send Jeremey a piece
- Jeremy is moving out of state so we will be looking for a new newsletter editor
- Tiffany suggested that we start a list of potential article/author ideas for the newsletter
- Membership report (Jessica)
- Nothing new to report. Working on setting up all the pieces of the new membership system (e.g., welcome message).
- Webmaster report (Clarissa)
- Nothing new to report.
- Opportunities report (Callie – not on call)
- Nothing new to report
- BioBlitz (Scott)
- Tiffany has taken on the role of Subject Matter Expert coordinator and is currently looking for crew leaders. Please contact Tiffany if you have any suggestions.
- Currently looking for a Volunteer/Participant Coordinator
- BioBlitz will be August 25th and 26th (9am-9am)
- Conservation Affairs (Jon)
- Not on call.
- Borderlands Foundation for Understudied Plants and Animals (Kay)
- Nothing new to report
- Continuing Education report (Stan)
- Not on call.
- Student Liasion report (Holly)
- Nothing new since students are busy over the summer.
- Outreach, engagement, and diversity
- Fall mixer (Audrey) – planning has not started yet
- Diversity (Jessica) Jessica is waiting to hear back from the TWS Diversity Working Group for ideas and will report back next month. She spoke with Sergio Avila and Sierra Club and received the following feedback: It’s important for people to see that they’re represented, and it may be helpful to host some events for specific people.
3:39 Meeting adjourned