AZTWS Board Meeting
July 25, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Conference Call
Attendees: Scott Sprague (President), Mike Sorum (Recording Secretary), Dana Warnecke (Treasurer), Tiffany
Sprague, (Board Member) Dean Pokrajac, Callie Hartson
Not Present: Kay Nicholson (President-elect), Holly Hicks (Board Member), Ryan Revells (Corresponding
Housekeeping None
Approval of June Minutes
- Dana motioned for approval with revisions and Tiffany seconded with unanimous approval.
Old Business
Opportunities for Members/Students (Scott)
- Volunteer opportunities list on website and calendar.
- Action Item: Callie to email to student chapters about volunteer opportunities.
Techniques Workshop (Dana)
- Did not receive snack reimbursement receipts.
- Action Item: Dana to email Samantha Vaughn and Jon Hicks for receipts so they can be reimbursed for their expenses.
Current Business
Update AZTWS Operations Manual (Ryan)
- Not present
Treasurer’s Report (Dana)
- Provided second quarter report with a net gain documented (Figure 1).
- TWS dues reimbursements processed for Tiffany and Scott.
- Checking account balance of $30,000 wire transferred to general savings.
- Reserve of $11,000 in checking account.
- Paid $500 student travel grant for nationals.
- AZTWS needs a $30,000 balance prior to the JAM.
- Looking at years hosting the meeting to determine if cohosting is feasible based on year-end balances (Figure 2).
- The source for the continuing education fund is interest from the deposits and income from the workshops.
- Dana motioned and Mike seconded to use 25 % of plenary and workshop income to go towards educational scholarships. Motion carried.
AZ–TWS Treasurers Report, 31 March 2016 (1st Quarter 2016)
General Funds:
31 March 2016 30 June 2016
Chase Checking | 38,661.20 | 41,878.14 |
ING Savings | 1,070.43 | 1,071.49 |
Sub–Total | 39,731.63 | 42,949.63 |
Memorial Garden, ING | 731.09 | 731.82 |
Continuing Education, ING | 6,598.10 | 6604.65 |
WildHare, ING | 3,843.12 | 3846.94 |
Sub–Total | 11,172.31 | 11,183.41 |
Grand Total 50,903.94 54,133.04
Cash Flow March 31st – June 30th, 2016 – 2nd Quarter
Chapter Dues – National: 195.00 (2016-1st Quarter)
Chapter Dues – Chapter (PayPal): 0.00
Interest Income – Chase Checking: 1.03
Interest Income – ING Savings: 12.16
Merchandise Sales: 0.00
JAM 2016 Revenue* (RegOnline + PayPal + Cash): 6570.03
Credit f/NAU Student Chapter Travel Grant Return: 500.00
Credit f/Returned judges discount f/T. Hildebrandt: 30.00
2016 JAM Expenses: 432.93
2016 Student Chapter Travel Grants: 1600.00
Conference Call Service: 138.08
Dues for Officers to National (3 Single Memberships): 243.00
President Elect 2015 National Meeting Attendance: 1665.11
OVERALL TOTAL – Net gain +3229.10
Newsletter report (Scott)
- Summer newsletter now available.
Membership report (Chris)
- Nothing since last report.
Webmaster report (Dean)
- Minutes, newsletter and continuing education updated.
Student chapter report (Scott)
- Marina Copeland at ASU Polytechnic would like TWS to contact her regarding any student educational opportunities. /| cell: (940 )445-4197.
Training/education opportunities and Survey (Mike)
- Capture class: Anne Justice Allan is available for a 3-4 course.
- Drones: Sensyfly drones has responded. Will contact Dr Schaefer and Sanchi from NAU
about their availability for teaching a course.
- Mobile Apps: Contact Jessica Morano: Sky Island Alliance, Andrew Bridges: Petrified Forest
National park about their availability about a teaching a course.
- Technical writing: NAU course available online.
- Field Necropsy: Jason Struthers from Midwestern Veterinary School is available as needed for teaching a course.
- Workshop catalog from national TWS has been received with information about past workshops. It will used to determine possible subject areas for workshops.
- Action item: Dean will send out survey developed by board to determine areas of interest in continuing education.
WOW Travel Grant (Scott)
- Additional funds available for continuing education to aid in travel expenses.
New Business
TWS Student Travel Grant Award (Scott)
- TWS Student Travel Grant Award from AZTWS goes to Erin Zylstra in the amount of $500.
2017 JAM Farmington, NM in February
- JAM planning kickoff call-10:30 AZT 8/12/16
- JAM Planning Manual Updates
- Melanie has edited the OPS manual. Melanie is also beginning the JAM manual editing.
- Action item: All-anyone available to review the JAM manual for updates.
- Mike will formulate some form of continuing education that would be provided to membership covering subject areas such as capture, monitoring, GIS and other important techniques. Mike will email potential instructors to inquire as to their availability and interest in participation.
- Callie will email student chapters about educational and volunteer opportunities.
- Dana to email Samantha Vaughn and Jon Hicks for receipts so they can be reimbursed for expenses.
- Dean will send out a survey developed by the board to membership to determine areas of interest in continuing education.
- All- anyone available may review the JAM manual for updates.