We are seeking a hard working, highly motivated, and detail-oriented Master’s student to begin
graduate work at Arizona State University starting in June 2024 (pending final approval of funding). The
student will join the research lab of Dr. Jesse Lewis at ASU (, and be working in
collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management and Arizona Game and Fish Department. Start date
is expected to be June 1, 2024. Salary: $20.00 per hour plus health benefits and tuition reduction. This is a grant-funded position and is contingent upon funding.
Renewable energy development is critical for long-term climate goals; however, landscape change from
this activity can influence habitat and sensitive wildlife species, such as Sonoran desert tortoise. The
overall objective of this master’s project is to evaluate desert tortoise populations in relation to current
and proposed solar development projects in the southwestern United States. Using both GPS telemetry
on tortoises and specialized wildlife cameras, the objectives of this project are to evaluate: (1) habitat
selection and movement patterns of tortoise, (2) landscape connectivity of tortoise habitat, and (3)
effectiveness of mitigation strategies for wildlife at solar facilities. The MS student will work closely with
BLM and AZGFD collaborators to conduct field work and collect data using GPS telemetry and wildlife
cameras across broad regions in hot and arid environments. The MS student will also conduct rigorous
statistical analyses (e.g., resource selection functions, home range estimation, occupancy analyses, etc)
and write high quality research papers to complete project objectives. This position is an excellent
opportunity to join a team of diverse agencies and stakeholders, produce research results that will be
applied to on-the-ground management, and publish novel research findings.
Essential Duties
- Design a Masters research project to answer project objectives
- Conduct intensive field work activities in hot and arid environments; this role may require
extended periods of data collection in remote, primitive field conditions - Hike long distances carrying necessary field equipment
- Safely drive on unmaintained dirt roads
- Analyze data using spatial and statistical methods
- Write peer-reviewed manuscripts to publish results and conclusions
- Present findings at conferences and in public forums
- Work in a team environment, as well as independently
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in a field appropriate to the area of assignment (i.e., wildlife biology, ecology, natural resources, etc); OR, Four years research experience appropriate to the area of assignment; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills, and abilities have been achieved.
Desired Qualifications
- Field experience in natural resources
- Own a vehicle for the duration of the project that can be used for field work and driving on dirt
roads - Have a valid US driver’s license
- Use of remote wildlife cameras
- Experience with conducting GPS and VHF telemetry
- Strong quantitative skills
- Familiarity with using program R to conduct statistical analyses
- Experience using GIS to work with spatial data
- Strong writing skills
- Strong academic record and grades
- Experience with research, writing papers, giving poster and oral presentations
- Knowledge of federal, state, and agency laws, rules, and regulations
Working Environment
- Field work in desert of Arizona under varying weather conditions.
- Have the ability to safely drive on unmaintained dirt roads and hike long distance carrying
necessary field equipment.
Instructions To Apply
Application deadline is 3:00 PM Arizona Time on Friday, March 8, 2024.
To apply to this position please submit your application materials here.
For your application, please include:
(1) A cover letter explaining in detail: (a) how you meet the required and desired qualifications of this position, (b) your research interests, (c) career goals, and (d) what makes you a good fit to work on this project
(2) Your resume/CV
(3) A document that you wrote that demonstrates your independent writing ability
(4) Unofficial copies of academic transcripts
(5) Information for 3 professional references, including name, title, phone number, and email address