Diablo Trust and Friends of Northern Arizona Forests Hay Lake Exclosure Fence Repair Mogollon Rim Ranger District, Coconino National Forest June 2, 2018 Project Location: We will be working on the exclosure fence around the Hay Lake wetland. Project Begins: Saturday June 2nd, please arrive at the project site by 8:30 AM. This is a...
Arizona Antelope Foundation: Greer Fence Modification June 9th, 2018 Project Location: We will be working on the Apache National Forest a few miles north of Big Lake in the White Mountains. Project Begins: Saturday June 9th at 7AM (sunrise is 5:00am!). The campsite is located about five miles east of the project site. Note that all workers must meet...
Long Valley Meadow Project June 15-17, 2018 Long Valley Meadow Project has been an ongoing project since 2009. This allotment had many issues that made it challenging to the family that had worked it for years grazing cattle. Many threatened & endanger wildlife species live in the area and it wasn’t economically feasible to graze cattle....
Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal June 28th, 2018 @ 2:30pm - July 1st, 2018 @ 6:00pm THE WORK: Sky Island Alliance has been helping TNC and the BLM in Aravaipa Canyon for several years on a variety of projects to increase watershed health along this perennial riparian area. During this trip we are continuing our work...