Organized in February of 2008, the goal of this program is for volunteers to monitor the trails, mapping and removing exotic plants from these corridors and fulfilling the goal of “Early Detection, Rapid Response”. Volunteers contributed 222 hours in 2008. In FY09, seven volunteers became active in the program and surveyed almost all of the...
On Nov. 9th (2nd Wednesday), Dr. Daniel J. Leavitt, herpetologist with the Arizona Game & Fish Department, will discuss, “Reptiles and Amphibians of the Superstition Area”. Dr. Leavitt manages over 20 projects on reptiles and amphibians statewide, including nearby. Desert habitats in southern Arizona are increasingly impacted by development near urban areas. Understanding how reptiles...
Conservation Alliance Community of Practice Series presenting.... Arizona Game and Fish Biologists Dana Warnecke and Scott Sprague will share information on efforts throughout Arizona that seek to identify critical movement pathways and integrate the preservation of interconnected habitat networks into comprehensive growth and transportation planning. After establishing these general concepts and approaches, they will provide a...
Beginning Birding Basics: Equipment and Bird Identification Boyce Thompson Arboretum November 12 @ 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Are you interested in getting into bird watching, but unsure how to start? Carol and Tom Sykes present a new class that begins indoors coaching how to use binoculars, then progresses to sharing basic bird identification tips...
Sunday Special Butterfly Walk w/ Gail Morris Boyce Thompson Arboretum November 13th @ 9:30 AM\ Gail Morris found so much Butterfly variety in our gardens on her October walk that she offered to lead a "Sunday Special" season finale butterfly walk November 13 -- a walking tour to see, photograph and learn about colorful species...
!!!Volunteers Wanted!!! Volunteers are needed to help construct a release pen for Sonoran Pronghorn approximately 10 miles North of Ajo, AZ. Event Dates: November 15th & 16th. Contact Aaron Alvidrez for more information/locations/etc. [email protected]
Herp Highlights from Recent Madrean Discovery Expeditions Wednesday Nov. 16 @ 7:15 PM Speaker: Thomas R. Van Devender As Senior Research Scientist at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, for 25 years Tom conducted research in natural history and has over 100 publications. These include topics such as: natural history, paleoecology, desert grasslands, desert tortoise ecology, local...
Spring Assessments: Southern Galiuros (November) TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE! BACKGROUND: This weekend, we will be hoping completing additional assessments of springs in preparation for controlled burns that will be conducted in the area next year (For those of you who came on our trips this spring, the controlled burn was postponed, giving us the...
Wildlife Photography Lecture & Slideshow w/ Bruce Taubert Boyce Thompson Arboretum November 19th @ 10:30 AM\ Four decades photographing Arizona Wildlife has made Bruce Taubert rich with experience and anecdotes - from netting bats after dark, to staying clam while face-to-face with massive bull elk on the Mogollon RIm. Taubert earned a doctorate in Wildlife...
Hear the Buzz About Bees w/ Master Gardeners Boyce Thompson Arboretum November 26th @ 12:00 -1:30 PM You probably read alarming reports about colony collapse disorder, and how this has decimated populations of wild honeybees -- join Maricopa County Master Gardeners Lee Ann Aronson and Mike Hills to learn more about the status of wild...
Native Grass Planting at Bar Boot Ranch Join us for a weekend planting native grasses on the Barboot Ranch, in the Leslie Canyon area, Southwest of the Chiricahua Mountains. We will be staying at a ranch building, but you will need camping gear as there are no beds available. This trip is free of charge...