Project Location: We will be working on the Apache National Forest a few miles north of Big Lake in the White Mountains.
Project Begins: Saturday June 9th at 7AM (sunrise is 5:00am!). The campsite is located about five miles east of the project site. Note that all workers must meet at the campsite Saturdaymorning before 7:00 am to receive specific work project direction.
Project Activity: We will be modifying approximately 2-3 miles of existing low hanging four strand fence by removing the bottom strand of barbed wire and replacing with a single strand of smooth wire at a height of 16 inches.
Pronghorn Benefits: The project is located in a high elevation grassland that is key summer range for pronghorn. The pronghorn must cross this fence while migrating between this summer range and lower elevation winter range. Improving this fence will also allow more access to the summer range. Retaining the travel connectivity within the summer range is critical to maintaining this population of pronghorn which summer and reproduce near Big Lake. This project is our second annual project to enhance habitat for these migratory pronghorn. Subsequent projects will work up into the primary summer range modifying and or removing livestock fences.
Volunteer Benefits: All volunteer work hours and mileage will be use as in-kind match for federally funded wildlife enhancement projects including the Arizona Game and Fish Habitat Partnership program.
Meals: Please provide your own lunches to eat in the field on Saturday work day. The AAF will be providing dinners on both Friday and Saturday nights and continental breakfasts with coffee and juice on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
What to Bring: Work gloves (The AAF will have a limited supply), snacks, water, sunscreen, personal gear.
Contact: Glen Dickens at (520-247-4907) for project information.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than Friday June 1st to [email protected] so we can plan to have enough food and tools.
Click here for a printable flyer with directions to camp and project.