THE ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT NEEDS UP TO 16 FIELD TECHNICIANS for the Arizona Bald Eagle Nestwatch Program; $115/day with a 10 day on/4 day off schedule. Private contractors will be hired to monitor breeding bald eagles at 8 to 12 breeding areas throughout Arizona’s riparian corridors from February 2 thru a minimum of May 15, 2022. Contractors will collect bald eagle behavioral data, contact and educate recreating public, and help enforce closures around the breeding area. Previous birding, raptor, and behavioral data collection experience preferred but not required. For more information on the Arizona Bald Eagle Nestwatch Program, visit the Southwestern Bald Eagle Management Committee’s web page at, call Kenneth Jacobson at (623) 236-7575, or e-mail at Application information can be downloaded from by selecting “Open Solicitations”, and searching for “Bald Eagle”. Select “BPM003898” to view the solicitation documents. To apply, you must first register an account. All applications must be submitted within the website before December 1, 2021 by 3:00 P.M. (MST).