ATO AZ Mud Turtle Technician
OPENING DATE: 01/02/2017
CLOSING DATE: 09/15/2017
DEPARTMENT: American Turtle Observatory
JOB TYPE: Full-time / Temporary
SALARY: $1000 / Per Month
Applicants should be enthusiastic and sociable, enjoy travel, and expect to work long hours in the field in difficult conditions (heat, cold, rain, insects). Applicants should enjoy working independently with multiple days of relative solitude, and be ready to independently prioritize research-related decisions based upon a strong grasp of project objectives. Applicants should also be able to interact in a professional manner by email and phone. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license; access to a personal vehicle in Arizona is preferred. Ideal candidates will be proficient in GPS and compass navigation and be able to interpret topographic maps and aerial photographs. Desired qualifications also include field experience with freshwater turtles in the wild, experience with radio-telemetry, ArcGIS, GoogleEarth, habitat modeling and conservation area planning. Ideal applicants will be able to start work in Arizona by May 15, 2017.
To apply, email a brief (<1 page) cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references as a single Word or PDF document to: Liz Willey, and Mike Jones, by January 27, 2016. Please don’t hesitate to email with questions.
Contact: Liz Willey (